Rue d’Etraz 5
The Emerging Body: Moving with Life Kirstie Simson, Bruno Caverna and Patrick Cassidy
Friday to Sunday, April 14th-16th, 2023
Montreux, Switzerland
With Kirstie Simson, Bruno Caverna, and Patrick Cassidy
Come and join us for an exploration of the intelligence of the body in movement. We are hosting three innovative and inspired facilitators: Kirstie Simson, Contact Improv dancer, Bruno Caverna, Play Fight teacher, and Patrick Cassidy, Aikido 6th dan. We invite you to participate in a weekend event in the beautiful region of the Swiss Riviera, in the city of Montreux. The theme for the weekend is “The Emerging Body”. We will be opening a moving investigation of ourselves in relationship with another. The investigation will be in the areas of creativity, healing, wisdom, power and compassion. Come and join us for an exploration without boundaries where everyone with a body is welcome.
Limited to 60 participants
Fee: Early registration (before Jan 31) 170 CHF, (after Jan 31) 200 CHF
Registration: info@
Check out also our follow up event on Monday 17th: